seo audit service

In Search Engine Optimization by Christopher J. Hanna

Is your current website a performer, or is it holding you back from achieving real online success? An SEO and web design company can help you find out why.

Employing an SEO audit service is the first step in assessing how well your current website is performing.seo audit service on page seo audit

  • Website analysis – evaluate how your current site is performing
  • SEO audit – review on-site and off-site SEO variables
  • Summarize – where you are and create a plan
  • site review and initial SEO assessment

Website Analysis

To know where you want to go, you need to know where you are. A website search engine optimization audit equips you with this valuable information and is the first step in improving your online presence. Your first step is to determine the purpose of your site and who your users are. Are they interested in information or are they, shoppers? Visitors may be both, and you should build a site to handle both.

Your website analysis should include, content, technology, and design. Your initial SEO assessment will help you to understand how large of a task you have at hand and to set realistic goals, whether for yourself or management. We have SEO case studies available for you to view what is possible.

Atomic Design’s detailed reports provide the information your organization needs to make an educated decision, should you decide to execute an Internet Marketing plan. If you choose online marketing is right for you, the foundation is in place to achieve improved search engine rankings to acquire more targeted traffic and achieve realistic goals.

seo audit service search engine optimization auditUsing your Existing Website

If you have an active site and would like to continue using it, a technology and usability assessment must be conducted. Individual system limitations may limit the effectiveness of your campaign, while poor usability and design may severely limit website visitor conversions, wasting the time and effort spent driving them there. Click here to learn more about website design methodology.

Developing your Company Voice

Know your target audience, as it will determine your site focus. Review your existing site to see if it has a tone, if it does not, you need to establish one. Your tone is not just what you say but how you say it, what you believe, and the role you play in representing your target audience. By understanding your site visitors, internet marketing services that work will deliver a portal that speaks, and satisfies your target audience.

You must create a tone that produces the maximum appeal to your customers. This will help you to understand the goals of your target audience while developing the most effective voice for your company. Get to know your site visitors on a more personal level and speak their language through web design and copywriting services. Read more about common SEO myths that could derail your campaign.

SEO Audit Service

A commonly overlooked component of a successful online marketing campaign is technology. Improper use of technology can derail your campaign before it even gets off the ground. Programming, hosting, grammar, domain name structure and file size are a few of the variables to assess when considering using an existing website to build your Internet Marketing campaign. Learn more about web programming for search engine optimization.

Keywords and Site Linking

An internal, or on-site, linking strategy is critical for online success. If your site is not structured correctly, then you will not rank well for your targeted keywords. Too many links or a linking strategy that lacks focus will dilute your topics and not enable the crawlers to categorize your pages correctly. You must implement a Link building strategy if you hope to see any improvement.

seo audit service seo audit servicesUsability and Design Testing

A successful Internet Marketing campaign will drive more targeted traffic to your website. What happens once they arrive an important metric in determining how successful your efforts were. What is the point of driving increasing amounts of traffic to your site if your site design is amateurish at best and visitors cannot find what they are looking for, or what you are providing? Our usability and design testing services are an ideal way to quantify what works and what doesn’t.

Long-term Goals and Budgets

Every marketing initiative needs a plan and a budget; online marketing is no different. You want to maximize your online spending while achieving a) the greatest return on your investment, b) the quickest results, c) your personal organization goals. Many managers do not fully understand online marketing planning and the agency, or responsible party is under a lot of pressure to perform often unrealistic goals. You must know what you expect to achieve and what you have to spend to get there. You also must establish whether campaigns are temporary or long-term brand building, or if you are just looking for rankings improvement through organic SEO. Budgets should be aligned with your goals. Our Atlanta website development goals differ than the goals of our Nashville SEO experts.

Competitor Analysis

To set realistic expectations, you must first understand your competitive landscape. Your competitive landscape analysis identifies your online competition and involves a systematic analysis of your online environment, what your competition is currently doing to achieve online ranking, and how well entrenched they are. Equipping yourself with this knowledge is the best way to compete and creates the foundation of any online marketing strategy. Web tools and analytics enable us to assess our competition like never before. Take advantage of these tools and perform a competitor analysis.

Atomic Design delivers industry-leading SEO audit services, which may be conducted as part of a campaign or as a first step to assist in determining budgets and goals. Think of your Internet Marketing as advertising and make a commitment to your companies success. You get out of it what you put into it. You wouldn’t run one 1/4 page ad in a trade journal one time and expect results. No, and that is why you must check your websites SEO. Online marketing isn’t any different.




seo audit service chris hanna 2019
Christopher J. Hanna Administrator
Christopher J. Hanna is an entrepreneur known for founding Atomic Design an Internet marketing company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and web design, as well as TSM Agency. He sold his first six figure business at the age of 25 and has helped over 1,000 business over the years. He now consults other agencies and businesses in digital marketing.
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