Magazine and Catalog Design

In Graphic Design by Christopher J. Hanna

Magazine and Catalog Design magazine design sample

Custom Company Logo Design

Create the Essence of Your Company in One Memorable Mark.

  • Differentiate yourself from the competition.
  • Illustrate your brand values.
  • Create a memorable re

Magazine and Catalog Design 

Though not as common as they used to be, for those who need them, catalogs can play an important role for a business.

  • Small or large multi-page document design and layout
  • Photography, photo retouching and copywriting services
  • Prepress, proofing and printing services.

Magazine and Catalog Design – Multi-Page Print Documents

Magazine and Catalog design are grouped together under multi-page print documents because the same design and layout principals apply to both.

Catalog design generally has one purpose in mind – to make your target audiences aware of the products offered by your company or organization, and ending with a purchase. Whether your catalog is printed or online, they make a perfect advertising vehicle for the product/service provider.

Magazines, or periodicals, are generally published on a regular basis, contain articles and are driven by advertisers. The ideal mix for a magazine is to write about a product or service that subscribers will also want to buy through advertisements in the magazine. We can assist you with design, production and printing but not sales and article writing.

Atomic Design has extensive experience designing magazines, catalogs and other print design pieces. We have produced everything from auction booklets for local non-profits to pin catalogs for the 1996 Olympic Centennial Collection.

Catalog and Magazine Design and Layout

Atomic Design has extensive experience designing magazines, catalogs and other print design pieces. We have produced everything from auction booklets for local non-profits to pin catalogs for the 1996 Olympic Centennial Collection.

What Makes a Well-Designed Magazine?

Magazine and Catalog Design magazine design

  • Organized Information
  • Appealing Imagery
  • Balance of Content, Images and Advertisements

Print Design

Appealing magazines or catalogs will act as a powerful promotional tool for your company. Done correctly, it has the power to provide an in depth look at your company, sell and market your products, and effectively display information. A high quality catalog design or magazine design will offer a variety of information with a focus on your brand identity.

  • What Does It Take to Produce a Catalog?
  • Project Management and Organization
  • Quality Graphic Design
  • Appealing Photography or Images
  • Intelligent Copywriting
  • Accurate Pre-Press and Production
  • Quality Printing

Our Experience

Atomic Design has been designing catalogs and magazines for over a decade. Our print design experience can be leveraged to help you produce a final product that will appeal to your target audience. Companies we have worked with in the past include:

  • Bon Ton
  • Macy’s
  • Coca-Cola
  • World Championship of Fantasy Football
  • Rochester Healthy Living

Let Atomic Design help you reach out to your audience and provide you with a memorable catalog or magazine design. Contact Us today.

Magazine and Catalog Design chris hanna 2019
Christopher J. Hanna Administrator
Christopher J. Hanna is an entrepreneur known for founding Atomic Design an Internet marketing company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) and web design, as well as TSM Agency. He sold his first six figure business at the age of 25 and has helped over 1,000 business over the years. He now consults other agencies and businesses in digital marketing.
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